Klangarchiv / Sound samples

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> YouTube

> Erga (Zeitgenössische E-Musik-Kompositionen von / Contemporary music compositions by René Wohlhauser)

> Parerga (Andere Kompositionen von / Other compositions by René Wohlhauser: Rock, Jazz …)

> Das Ensemble Polysono spielt / The Ensemble Polysono plays

> Das Duo Simolka-Wohlhauser spielt zeitgenössische E-Musik

> Das Duo Simolka-Wohlhauser spielt eigene Songs, Folkpop-Oldies und Bluesrock

> Interpretationen von Werken anderer Komponisten / Interpretations of works by other composers (Ferneyhough, Holliger, Messiaen, Mahler, Rihm, Schumann und Beethoven …)

Erga, alphabetisch

(Für weitere Informationen zu den Stücken siehe unter "Werkliste". / For further informations on the pieces see under "List of Works".)

Adagio assai für Streichquartett (1982/83/85/87/88), Ergon 16, Auftragswerk der Musikkreditkommission Basel, Kranichsteiner Stipendienpreis, Darmstadt 1988, 4 Min.
UA: 7.8.1988, Darmstadt, Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik (Arditti-Quartett).
Aufnahmen: Südwestfunkt Baden-Baden 1988; Radio DRS 2, Basel 1993 und Zürich 1993; Hessischer Rundfunk Frankfurt 1994; Radio RSI 2, Lugano 1995.

Es spielt das / performed by the "Arditti Quartet" (Irvine Arditti, violin, David Alberman, violin, Garth Knox, viola, Rohan de Saram, cello). Aufnahme / Recording: Hessischer Rundfunk, Orangerie Darmstadt, 3. August 1994, Tonmeister: Michael Peschko:

Atemlinie für Horn solo (und Tamtam, gleicher Spieler) (1988), Ergon 17, Auftragswerk des Konservatoriums Luzern, 8 Min.
UA: 29.11.1988, Luzern, Kunsthaus (Jakob Hefti, Horn und Tamtam).
Aufnahmen: Radio DRS 2, Basel 1990 und Basel 1991; Tschechischer Rundfunk, Prag 2000.

Es spielt / performed by Jakob Hefti. Aufnahme / Recording: Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Studio Basel, 18. Februar 1991. Tonmeister: Hans Rudolf Fleischmann.

carpe diem in beschleunigter Zeit für Streichquartett (1998/99), Ergon 25, Auftragskomposition der Schweizer Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia mit zusätzlicher finanzieller Unterstützung der GGG Basel und der Fondation Nicati-de Luze, 11 Min.
UA: 20.11.2001, Europäischer Musikmonat und Gesellschaft für Kammermusik, Paul Sacher-Halle Basel (Arditti-Quartett).
Aufnahmen: Radio DRS 2, Basel 2001 und Radio svizzera italiana Rete 2, Lugano 2003.

Es spielt das / performed by the "Arditti Quartet" (Irvine Arditti, violin, Graeme Jennings, violin, Ralf Ehlers, viola, Rohan de Saram, cello). Aufnahme / Recording: Radio svizzera italiana RSI Rete 2, Lugano, 6. Dezember 2003, Tonmeister: Michael Rast:

Charyptin für Sopran, Bariton, Flöte, Klarinette, Violine und Violoncello (2010) auf eigene lautpoetische Texte, Ergon 42, Musikwerknummer 1559, ca. 13 Min.
UA-Tournee mit dem Ensemble Polysono: Christine Simolka, Sopran, Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, Flöte, Igor Kombaratov, Klarinette, Marzena Toczko, Violine, Markus Stolz, Violoncello, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier / Bariton / Leitung:
• So, 09. Jan. 2011, 19.30 Uhr, Basel, Schmiedenhof, Rümelinsplatz 4
• Sa, 15. Jan. 2011, 19.00 Uhr, Bern, Konservatorium, Kramgasse 36
• Sa, 22. Jan. 2011, 20.00 Uhr, Zürich, Kulturhaus Helferei, Kirchgasse 13
• Sa, 29. Jan. 2011, 19.30 Uhr, Luzern, Marianischer Saal, Bahnhofstr. 18
• Sa, 05. Feb. 2011, 19.00 Uhr, Gelterkinden, Musikschule, Rünenbergerstraße 35
• So, 13. Feb. 2011, 11.00 Uhr, München, Gasteig, Kl. Konzertsaal, Rosenheimer Str. 5
• Sa, 19. Feb. 2011, 19.00 Uhr, Wien, Altes Rathaus Barocksaal, Wipplingerstraße 8
• Sa, 05. März 2011, 19.30 Uhr, London, The Warehouse, 13 Theed Street

Es spielt das / performed by the "Ensemble Polysono" (Christine Simolka, Sopran, Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, Flöte, Igor Kombaratov, Klarinette, Marzena Toczko, Violine, Markus Stolz, Violoncello, René Wohlhauser, Bariton und Leitung). Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil 2011.

CI-IC für Flöte und Viola (1985), Ergon 11, 3 Min.
UA: 5.5.1986, Zürich, Theater an der Winkelwiese (Ueli Gasser, Flöte und Daniel Corti, Viola).

Es spielen / performed by Philippe Racine, Flöte, und Monika Clemann, Viola. Aufnahme / Recording: Elektronisches Studio der Musik-Akademie Basel, Neuer Saal, 20. Oktober 1993. Tonmeisterin: Malgorzata Albinska:

Die Auflösung der Zeit in Raum für Saxophon, Schlagzeug und Klavier (2000/01), Ergon 26, Auftragskomposition der Musikkreditkommission Basel-Stadt, 14 Min.
UA: 11.10.2002, Expo.02, Rathaussaal Murten (Ensemble Oggimusica, Ltg. Giorgio Bernasconi)
Aufnahme: Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Basel 2007.

Es spielt / performed by the Trio Accanto (Marcus Weiss, Saxophon, Christian Dierstein, Schlagzeug, Yukiko Sugawara, Klavier). Aufnahme / Recording: Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Musik-Akademie Basel, Neuer Saal, 14. September 2007. Tonmeister: Andreas Werner:

Doste Raif für Sopran, Bariton und Perkussion (2016), auf Texte des Komponisten, Ergon 56, Nrn. 1-7, Musikwerknummern 1759, 1764-1768, 1771, ca. 7 Min.

I. Duo 1 für Sopran und Bariton, Ergon 56, Nr. 3, Musikwerknummer 1765
II. Sopran solo, Ergon 56, Nr. 4, Musikwerknummer 1766
III. Duo 2 für Sopran und Bariton, Ergon 56, Nr. 5, Musikwerknummer 1767
IV. Perkussions-Solo, Ergon 56, Nr. 2, Musikwerknummer 1764
V. Trio 1 für Sopran, Bariton und perkussive Einwürfe, Ergon 56, Nr. 6, Musikwerknummer 1768
VI. Duo 3 für Bariton und Perkussion, Ergon 56, Nr. 1, Musikwerknummer 1759b (2. Fassung)
VII. Trio 2 für Sopran, perkussiven Bariton und Perkussion, Ergon 56, Nr. 7, Musik-werknummer 1771b (2. Fassung)

Uraufführung: Herbsttournee des Duos Simolka-Wohlhauser (Christine Simolka, Sopran, René Wohlhauser, Bariton und Perkussion):
• Mi, 07. Sept. 2016, 12:30 Uhr: Basel, Musikakademie, Rebgasse 70
• Sa, 10. Sept. 2016, 19:00 Uhr: Basel, Haus zur Musik, Schillerstraße 5
• Sa, 17. Sept. 2016, 19:00 Uhr: Stuttgart-Uhlbach, Gemeindehaus Andreaskirche, Passeier Straße 7
• So, 25. Sept. 2016, 18:30 Uhr: Paris, Bateau Daphné, Quai Montebello face no 11
• Sa, 01. Okt. 2016, 19:30 Uhr: London, Gallery The Cello Factory, 33-34 Cornwall Road
• Sa, 08. Okt. 2016, 20:00 Uhr: Berlin, Ölberg-Kirche, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 29
• So, 09. Okt. 2016, 20:00 Uhr: Rheinsberg, Musikbrennerei, Königstraße 14
• Mo, 10. Okt. 2016, 20:00 Uhr: Berlin, Musikstudio Ohrpheo, Jablonskistraße 15
• Sa, 29. Okt. 2016, 19:00 Uhr: Bremen, Weserburg, Museum für moderne Kunst
• So, 06. Nov. 2016, 19:00 Uhr: Schlitz, Landesmusikakademie Hessen, Schloß Hallenburg
• Mo, 07. Nov. 2016, 19:00 Uhr: Baden-Baden, Rathaus, Alter Ratssaal, Marktplatz 2

Es spielt / performed by the "Duo Simolka-Wohlhauser" (Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and percussion), recorded by Christian Seiffert, Basel, 12-13 October 2016

Drei Stücke für Klavier (1986/87), Ergon 14, 5 Min.
UA von "Paginetta" und "Adagio": 24.5.1988, Winterthur, Musikhochschule (Daniel Cholette, Klavier).
UA von "Déploîment": 27.3.1988, Unterentfelden, Kirchgemeindehaus (Doris Huber, Klavier).
Aufnahmen: Hessischer Rundfunk, Frankfurt 1989; Radio DRS 2, Bern 1989, Basel 1990 und Basel 1995; CBC, Toronto (Canada) 1991; Süddeutscher Rundfunk, Stuttgart 1991.

Es spielt / performed by Daniel Cholette, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Studio Basel, 1. Dezember 1989. Tonmeister: Charles Suter:

Es spielt / performed by René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil 2006.

Drei andere Stücke für Klavier (2005/06), Ergon 32
1) Das andere Klavier für eine(n) Instrumentalisten/in und ein Flügelinneres, work in progress, gegenwärtige Dauer: 5-7 Min. (2005), Ergon 32, Nr. 1

Duometrie für Flöte und Baßklarinette (1985/86), Ergon 12, 5 Min.
UA: 24.5.1986, Zürich, Studiobühne des Opernhauses (Philippe Racine, Flöten und Ernesto Molinari, Baßklarinette).
Aufnahmen: Radio DRS 2, Bern 1987 und Basel 1990. Konzertmitschnitt von Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Bern 13.1.2008.

Es spielen / performed by Philippe Racine, Flöten, und Ernesto Molinari, Baßklarinette. Aufnahme / Recording: Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Studio Basel, 13. Februar 1987. Tonmeister: Erwin Bindzus.

Entropía per violoncello solo (1997/98), Ergon 24, Auftragskomposition des Ministeriums für Frauen, Bildung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg, 11 Min.
UA: 20.4.1999, Schloß Solitude Stuttgart (Frank Cox, Violoncello).
Aufnahmen: Radio DRS 2, Zürich 2000. Konzertmitschnitt von Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Bern 13.1.2008.

Es spielt / performed by Frank Cox, cello. Aufnahme / Recording: Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Studio Zürich, 8. April 2000. Tonmeister: Andreas Werner:

Gantenbein, Musiktheater für 4 Solisten und Orchester (2002-2004), Ergon 30, ca. 60 Min. (Text aus Max Frischs Roman Mein Name sei Gantenbein, zusammengestellt vom Komponisten.)
(Sopran, Mezzosopran, Tenor, Bariton; Fl., Ob., 2 Cl. contrabassi (anche Cl. e Cl.bassi), Fg.; Cor., Tr., 2 Tn., Tba; 2 Perc.; 8 Vl. I, 6 Vl. II, 4 Vle., 4 Vc, 2 Cb.)
Première: 4.11.2004, Stadttheater Luzern in Zusammenarbeit mit den Weltmusiktagen 2004 (Simone Stock, Sopran, Caroline Vitale, Mezzosopran, Alexander Kaimbacher, Tenor, Howard Quilla Croft, Bariton; Luzerner Sinfonieorchester unter der Leitung von Mark Foster)
Aufnahme: Radio DRS 2, 2004. Tontechnik: Jakob Händel; Musikregie: Andreas Werner

Sendung vom 21.11.2004

1) Ansage Radiosendung:

2) Kommentar von Thomas Meyer zu den 3 Opern:

3) Einleitung zum Interview:

4) Interview zwischen Thomas Meyer (Redakteur) und René Wohlhauser (Komponist):

5) Ansage zur Oper:

1. Teil der Oper: «Einleitungsszene»

2. Teil der Oper: «Trennungsszene»

3. Teil der Oper: «Beziehungsutopieszene»

4. Teil der Oper: «Eifersuchtsszene»

5. Teil der Oper: «Ausleitungsszene»

Gedankenflucht für Violoncello und Klavier (1995), Ergon 22, Auftragskomposition des Ministeriums für Frauen, Bildung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg, 11 Min.
UA: 5.12.1996, Universität Bamberg (Dorothea von Albrecht, Violoncello und Christine Olbrich, Klavier).
Aufnahme: Radio DRS 2, Zürich 2008.

Es spielt / performed by the Mondrian Ensemble (Martin Jaggi, Violoncello, Anton Kernjak, Klavier). Aufnahme / Recording: Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Studio Zürich, 21. April 2008. Tonmeister: Andreas Werner:

Iguur – Blay –Luup, Triptychon für Sopran solo, Sopran-Bariton-Duo und Sopran mit kleinem Ensemble (Baßflöte, Baßklarinette und Violoncello) auf eigene lautpoetische Texte (2009), Ergon 40, I-III (Musikwerknummern 1517, 1519, 1527), ca. 16 Min.
Kompositionsauftrag von Stadt Zürich Kultur.
Die drei Teile sind auch einzeln aufführbar:
«Iguur» für Sopran solo, ca. 5 Min.
«Blay» für Sopran und Bariton, ca. 5 ½ Min.
«Luup» für Sopran mit kleinem Ensemble (Baßflöte, Baßklarinette und Violoncello), ca. 6 Min.
Gesamtdauer ca. 16 Min.
UA-Tournee mit dem Ensemble Polysono: Christine Simolka, Sopran, Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, Flöte, Igor Kombaratov, Klarinette, Markus Stolz, Violoncello, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier / Leitung:
• So, 10. Jan. 2010, 19.30 Uhr, Basel, Schmiedenhof, Rümelinsplatz 4
• So, 17. Jan. 2010, 18.00 Uhr, Bern, Ono, Kramgasse 6
• Sa, 23. Jan. 2010, 20.00 Uhr, Zürich, Kulturhaus Helferei, Kirchgasse 13
• Sa, 30. Jan. 2010, 20.00 Uhr, Luzern, Marianischer Saal, Bahnhofstr. 18
• Di, 09. Feb. 2010, 20.30 Uhr, Berlin, unerhörte Musik, BKA, Mehringdamm 34, Kreuzberg
• So, 14. Feb. 2010, 20.00 Uhr, München, Gasteig, Kl. Konzertsaal, Rosenheimer Str. 5
• Sa, 27. Feb. 2010, 19.00 Uhr, London, The Warehouse, 13 Theed Street

Es spielt das / performed by the "Ensemble Polysono" (Christine Simolka, Sopran, Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, Flöte, Igor Kombaratov, Klarinette, Markus Stolz, Violoncello, René Wohlhauser, Bariton und Leitung). Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil 2010.

in statu mutandi für Orchester (1991-93), Ergon 19 (Fl. alto in Sol, Fl. basso in Do, 2 (2. anche C. ingl.), 1 Cl. b., 1 Cl. cb., 1 Fg., 1 C.-Fg.; 3, 2, 2, 1; 2 Perc.; 8, 6, 4, 4, 2), Auftragskomposition des Sinfonieorchesters der AML Luzern, 8 Min.
UA: 21.4.1993, Luzern, Kunsthaus (Sinfonieorchester Luzern unter der Leitung von Olaf Henzold).
Aufnahmen: Radio DRS 2, Basel 1993; Bayerischer Rundfunk, München 1995.

Es spielt / performed by "Luzerner Sinfonieorchester", Leitung / directed by Olaf Henzold, live im Konzertsaal des Schauspielhauses Berlin, 19. April 1995. Tonmeister: Jürgen Glöckner. Schnitt: Charles Suter, Radio DRS:

Klarinettentrio Metamusik für 3 B-Klarinetten (1986/87), Ergon 15, Auftragswerk der Pro Helvetia, 1. Preis im Kompositionswettbewerb der Ostschweizer Stiftung für Musik und Theater, St. Gallen 1990, 11 Min.
UA: 1.11.1991, St. Gallen, Kirche St. Mangen (Schweizer Klarinettentrio).
Aufnahme: Südwestfunk Baden-Baden 1994.

Es spielt / performed by "Schweizer Klarinettentrio" (Ernesto Molinari, Donna Wagner, Stephan Siegenthaler). Aufnahme / Recording: Elektronisches Studio der Musik-Akademie Basel, Neuer Saal, 23. Juni 1994. Tonmeisterin: Malgorzata Albinska:

Klavierquartett für Violine, Viola, Violoncello und Pianoforte (1979/83-84, teilrev. 1987), Ergon 9, 9 Min.
UA: 19.3.1984, IGNM Basel, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Basel (Andreas Preißer, Violine; Monika Clemann, Viola; Olivier Faller, Violoncello; Jean-Jacques Dünki, Pianoforte)
Aufnahme: Schweizer Radio DRS 2, 1989.

Es spielen / performed by Eduard Jaccottet, Violine; Michael Hanko, Viola; François Jaccottet, Violoncello; Daniel Cholette, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Radio DRS 2, Studio Basel, Tonmeister: Charles Suter:

Klavierquartett-Fassung für Flöte, Klarinette, Klavier und Violoncello (1979/83-84, teilrev. 1987), Ergon 9 b, 9 Min.

UA-Tournee der Fassung für Flöte, Klarinette, Klavier und Violoncello mit dem Ensemble Polysono: Christine Simolka, Sopran, Ursula Seiler, Flöte, Igor Kombaratov, Klarinette, Markus Stolz, Violoncello, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier / Leitung:
• So, 10. Jan. 2010, 19.30 Uhr, Basel, Schmiedenhof, Rümelinsplatz 4
• So, 17. Jan. 2010, 18.00 Uhr, Bern, Ono, Kramgasse 6
• Sa, 23. Jan. 2010, 20.00 Uhr, Zürich, Kulturhaus Helferei, Kirchgasse 13
• Sa, 30. Jan. 2010, 20.00 Uhr, Luzern, Marianischer Saal, Bahnhofstr. 18
• Di, 09. Feb. 2010, 20.30 Uhr, Berlin, unerhörte Musik, BKA, Mehringdamm 34, Kreuzberg
• So, 14. Feb. 2010, 20.00 Uhr, München, Gasteig, Kl. Konzertsaal, Rosenheimer Str. 5
• Sa, 27. Feb. 2010, 19.00 Uhr, London, The Warehouse, 13 Theed Street

Es spielt das / performed by the "Ensemble Polysono" (Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, Flöte, Igor Kombaratov, Klarinette, Markus Stolz, Violoncello, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier). Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 22. Februar 2010.

Lumière(s) für Orgel (1989), Ergon 18, Auftragskomposition anläßlich des 20-jährigen Jubiläums des „Festival international de l’orgue ancien“ in Valère 1989, 8 Min.
UA: 19.8.1989, Valère, Festival international de l’orgue ancien (Kei Koito, Orgel).
Aufnahmen: Radio RSR 2, Genf 1989; Radio DRS 2, Zürich 2000.

Es spielt / performed by Gary Verkade, Orgel. Aufnahme / Recording: Elektronisches Studio der Musik-Akademie Basel, Evangelische Kirche Essen-Rellinghausen, 20. April 1994. Tonmeisterin: Malgorzata Albinska:

Ly-Gue-Tin, eine augenzwinkernd-klingende, halbszenische Werkmonographie für Stimme(n) und Klavierklänge auf eigene lautpoetische Texte, komponiert zur Einweihung der Lebenstafeln von Jean Tinguely in Basel (2008), Ergon 38 (Musikwerknummer 1493), ca. 10 Min.
Kompositionsauftrag von Quartierverein Gundeldingen Basel.
UA: 22.5.2008, Querfeldhalle im Gundeldingerfeld in Basel (Christine Simolka, Sopran, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier und Stimme), UA zur Feier für Jean Tinguely (22. Mai 1925 - 30. August 1991) an seinem 83. Geburtstag.

Aufnahme: Konzertmitschnitt von Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Zürich 24.1.2009.

Es spielt das / performed by Christine Simolka, Sopran, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier und Stimme. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil 4. März 2009.

mira schinak, Trio für Sopran, Flöte und Klavier (2006), Ergon 33, ca. 13 Min., Kompositionsauftrag von Fachausschuß Basel-Stadt / Basel-Land Musik und Stadt Zürich Kultur.
UA: 5.1.2007, Jecklin-Forum Zürich und 7.1.2007, Quartierzentrum Bachletten, Basel (Christine Simolka, Sopran, Tabea Resin, Flöte, René Wohlhauser, Klavier)
Aufnahme: Konzertmitschnitt von Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Bern 13.1.2008.

Es spielt das / performed by the "Ensemble Polysono" (Christine Simolka, Sopran, Tabea Resin, Flöte, René Wohlhauser, Klavier). Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil 2007.

Musik für Flöte solo (2002), Ergon 29, 6 Min.
UA: 1.11.2002, Literaturhaus Basel (Riccarda Caflisch, Flöte)
Aufnahme: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil 2007

Es spielt / performed by Tabea Resin, Flöte. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil 11. Juli 2007.

Orgelstück (1986), Ergon 13, Kompositionspreis des Domkapitels Salzburg 1987, 8 Min.
UA: 12.8.1988, Dom zu Speyer (Odile Pierre, Orgel). Aufnahme: Radio DRS 2, Zürich 1989.

Es spielt / performed by Ludwig Kaiser, Orgel. Aufnahme / Recording: Elektronisches Studio der Musik-Akademie Basel, Evangelische Kirche Essen-Rellinghausen, 20. April 1994. Tonmeisterin: Malgorzata Albinska:

Quantenströmung (1996), Ergon 23, Auftragskomposition des Sabeth Trio Basel, mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Erziehungs- und Kulturdirektion Basel-Landschaft, der Alfred Richterich-Stiftung, der SUISA-Stiftung für Musik, der Fondation Nicati-de Luze und der Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art.
UA: 9.11.1996, Tage für Neue Musik Zürich, Tonhalle (Sabeth Trio Basel).

Es spielt / performed by Sabeth Trio Basel: Matthias Ebner, Flöte, Markus Wieser, Viola, und Sarah O'Brien, Harfe. Aufnahme / Recording: Radiostudio Zürich, 13. Februar 2009. Tonmeister: Andreas Werner:

Quantenströmung, Fassung für Flöte, Violoncello und Klavier (1996/97) Ergon 23b

UA-Tournee mit dem Ensemble Polysono: Christine Simolka, Sopran, Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, Flöte, Igor Kombaratov, Klarinette, Marzena Toczko, Violine, Markus Stolz, Violoncello, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier / Bariton / Leitung:
• So, 09. Jan. 2011, 19.30 Uhr, Basel, Schmiedenhof, Rümelinsplatz 4
• Sa, 15. Jan. 2011, 19.00 Uhr, Bern, Konservatorium, Kramgasse 36
• Sa, 22. Jan. 2011, 20.00 Uhr, Zürich, Kulturhaus Helferei, Kirchgasse 13
• Sa, 29. Jan. 2011, 19.30 Uhr, Luzern, Marianischer Saal, Bahnhofstr. 18
• Sa, 05. Feb. 2011, 19.00 Uhr, Gelterkinden, Musikschule, Rünenbergerstraße 35
• So, 13. Feb. 2011, 11.00 Uhr, München, Gasteig, Kl. Konzertsaal, Rosenheimer Str. 5
• Sa, 19. Feb. 2011, 19.00 Uhr, Wien, Altes Rathaus Barocksaal, Wipplingerstraße 8
• Sa, 05. März 2011, 19.30 Uhr, London, The Warehouse, 13 Theed Street

Es spielt / performed by the "Ensemble Polysono": Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, Flöte, Markus Stolz, Violoncello, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 26. März 2011.

Rachearie aus der Oper "Gantenbein", bearbeitet für Sopran und Klavier (2004). Ergon 30/II, 2 Min.
UA: 18.9.2005, Quartierzentrum Bachletten, Basel (Christine Simolka, Sopran, René Wohlhauser, Klavier)
Aufnahme: Konzertmitschnitt von Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Bern 13.1.2008.

Es spielen / performed by Christine Simolka, Sopran, René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 22. Oktober 2005:

Schlagzeugtrio (1984/85), Ergon 10, Auftragswerk von Paul Sacher, 9 Min.
UA: 10.6.1985, Basel, Kunsthalle (Basler Schlagzeugtrio). Aufnahmen: Radio DRS 2, Basel 1986 und Basel 1990.

Es spielt / performed by "Basler Schlagzeugtrio" (Siegfried Kutterer, Gerhard Huber, Dennis Kuhn). Aufnahme / Recording: Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Studio Basel, 28. / 29. Januar 1986. Tonmeister: Hans Rudolf Fleischmann.

Sokrak für Sopran, Flöte, Klarinette, Violoncello und Klavier auf einen eigenen lautpoetischen Text (2008), Ergon 39 (Musikwerknummer 1494), ca. 10 Min.
Kompositionsauftrag von Kultur Basel-Stadt / Baselland, von Stadt Zürich Kultur und von Kanton Bern.
UA-Tournee in Basel, Bern, Zürich, Luzern, München, Berlin und Wien, Januar / Februar 2009, mit dem Ensemble Polysono (Christine Simolka, Sopran, Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, Flöte, Igor Kombaratov, Klarinette, Markus Stolz, Violoncello, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier und Leitung).
Aufnahme: Konzertmitschnitt von Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Zürich 24.1.2009.

Es spielt das / performed by the "Ensemble Polysono" (Christine Simolka, Sopran, Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, Flöte, Igor Kombaratov, Klarinette, Markus Stolz, Violoncello, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier und Leitung). Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil 4./23. März 2009.

Souvenirs de l’Occitanie für Klarinette solo (1978), Ergon 4, Kompositionspreis Valentino Bucchi, Rom 1978, 9 Min.
UA: 19.1.1981, Freiburg/Brsg., Galerie Schwarzes Kloster (Wolfgang Stryi, Klarinette). Aufnahme: Radio DRS 2, Basel 1990.

Es spielt / performed by Ernesto Molinari, Klarinette. Aufnahme / Recording: Elektronisches Studio der Musik-Akademie Basel, Neuer Saal, 23. Juni 1994. Tonmeisterin: Malgorzata Albinska.

‘Srang für Sopran, Flöte, Klarinette und Violoncello auf einen eigenen lautpoetischen Text (2007), Ergon 36, ca. 10 Min.
Kompositionsauftrag von Stadt Zürich Kultur.
UA-Tournee in Basel, Bern, Zürich, Luzern, München und Berlin, Januar / Februar 2008, mit dem Ensemble Polysono (Christine Simolka, Sopran, Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, Flöte, Igor Kombaratov, Klarinette, Markus Stolz, Violoncello, und René Wohlhauser, Leitung).
Aufnahme: Konzertmitschnitt von Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Bern 13.1.2008.

Es spielt das / performed by the "Ensemble Polysono" (Christine Simolka, Sopran, Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, Flöte, Igor Kombaratov, Klarinette, Markus Stolz, Violoncello, und René Wohlhauser, Leitung). Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil 2008.

Studie über Zustände und Zeitprozesse für Flöte und Klavier (2007), Ergon 35,
ca. 11 Min.
Kompositionsauftrag des Lotteriefonds Basel-Stadt.
UA-Tournee in Basel, Bern, Zürich, Luzern, München und Berlin, Januar / Februar 2008, mit Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, Flöte, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier.
Aufnahme: Konzertmitschnitt von Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Bern 13.1.2008.

Es spielt das / performed by the "Ensemble Polysono" (Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, Flöte, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier). Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil 2008.

Sulawedische Lieder, Gesänge und Vokalstücke auf eigene lautpoetische Texte für Sopran, Bariton, zwei Musiksprechstimmen und erweitertes Klavier (2-5 Spieler) (2005). Gesamtdauer: ca. 20:46
- Ergon 31, Nr. 1: gelsüraga für Sopran und Klavier (2005), ca. 2:45
UA: 18.9.2005, Quartierzentrum Bachletten, Basel (Christine Simolka, Sopran, René Wohlhauser, Klavier)
Aufnahme: Konzertmitschnitt von Schweizer Radio DRS 2, Bern 13.1.2008.

Es spielen / performed by Christine Simolka, Sopran, René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 15. Oktober 2005:

- Ergon 31, Nr. 2: hang gomeka für Sopran und Klavier (2005), ca. 2:40
UA: 24.9.2006, Quartierzentrum Bachletten, Basel (Christine Simolka, Sopran, René Wohlhauser, Klavier)
Es spielen / performed by Christine Simolka, Sopran, René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 4. Februar 2006.

- Ergon 31, Nr. 3: suragimanä für Sopran und Klavier (2005), ca. 4:10
- Ergon 31, Nr. 3b: suragimanä für Sopran und Klavier (2006), Fassung b ca. 4:10
Es spielen / performed by Christine Simolka, Sopran, René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 14. September 2008:

- Ergon 31, Nr. 4: Duett für Sopran und Bariton (2005), ca. 4:46
Ergon 31, Nr. 4b: Duett (Double-Fassung), 3. Fassung in der Version für Bariton solo (2008), ca. 3:00, Musikwerknummer 1488
Es singt / performed by René Wohlhauser. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 10. September 2008:

- Ergon 31, Nr. 5: flutching music, ein Musik-Sprechstück für zwei Personen (2005),
ca. 2:30
Es singt / performed by René Wohlhauser. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 11. März 2006:

- Ergon 31, Nr. 6a: sulla tastiera für Musiksprechstimme und Klaviaturspieler/in, auch als virtuelles Duett für eine/n sprechende/n Klaviaturspieler/in allein (2005), ca. 4 Min. (Musikwerknummer 1177)
(Weitere Version: parlando sulla cordiera für sprechenden Kontrabassisten)
Es spielen / performed by Christine Simolka, Sopran, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 28. September 2008:

- Ergon 31, Nr. 7: Ausklang für tiefes Klavier (2006), ca. 1:20
Es spielt / performed by René Wohlhauser. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 14. September 2008:


- Übersicht
- Jazz
- Mundart-Rock
- Pop
- Liedermacher/Singer-Songwriter
- Hörspiel-/Märchenmusik
- D'Schneehäx und dr Zouberer Merlin, Folge 3 und 4
- Pop-Rock-Jazz-Piano
- Oldies
- Stücke für Mandoline
- Eigene Rock- und Blues-Stücke für Klavier
- Kleine Auftragsstücke im Bereich der zeitgenössischen E-Musik


Open Doors
Komposition: René Wohlhauser (1981)
Gruppe "Morphophon": Joseph Poffet, Saxophon; René Wohlhauser, Fender Rhodes; Mike Schaffner, Baß; Michael Erni, Schlagzeug; Live im "Atlantis" Basel, 28.2.1982

Swing Apocalypse
Komposition: René Wohlhauser (1980)
Gruppe "Morphophon": Joseph Poffet, Saxophon; René Wohlhauser, Fender Rhodes; Mike Schaffner, Baß; Michael Erni, Schlagzeug; Live im "Atlantis" Basel, 28.2.1982

Komposition: René Wohlhauser (1981)
Gruppe "Morphophon": Joseph Poffet, Saxophon; René Wohlhauser, Fender Rhodes; Mike Schaffner, Baß; Michael Erni, Schlagzeug; Live im "Atlantis" Basel, 28.2.1982

Komposition: René Wohlhauser (1980)
Gruppe "Morphophon": Joseph Poffet, Saxophon; René Wohlhauser, Fender Rhodes; Mike Schaffner, Baß; Michael Erni, Schlagzeug; Live im "Atlantis" Basel, 28.2.1982

Riff 2
Komposition: René Wohlhauser (1981)
Gruppe "Morphophon": Joseph Poffet, Saxophon; René Wohlhauser, Fender Rhodes; Mike Schaffner, Baß; Michael Erni, Schlagzeug; Live im "Atlantis" Basel, 28.2.1982

Komposition: René Wohlhauser (1980)
Gruppe "Morphophon": Joseph Poffet, Saxophon; René Wohlhauser, Fender Rhodes; Mike Schaffner, Baß; Michael Erni, Schlagzeug; Live im "Atlantis" Basel, 28.2.1982

Driftin', Fassung 2011
René Wohlhauser, Klavier und Gesang
Christine Simolka, Djembé
Aufnahme: Christian Seiffert

Komposition: René Wohlhauser (1980)
Gruppe "Morphophon": Joseph Poffet, Saxophon; René Wohlhauser, Fender Rhodes; Mike Schaffner, Baß; Michael Erni, Schlagzeug; Live im "Atlantis" Basel, 28.2.1982

St. James Infirmary
Trad., Arrangement: René Wohlhauser (2007)
Christine Simolka, Gesang
René Wohlhauser, Klavier und Gesang
Aufnahme: Christian Seiffert


Dornrösli schlaf
Komposition, Text und Arrangement: René Wohlhauser, 6.7.1980
Gruppe "Morphophon": René Wohlhauser, Gesang, Keyboards und Gitarre; Jürg Zurmühle, Flöte; Mike Schaffner, Bass; Michael Erni, Schlagzeug, Aufnahme: 1981

Dornrösli schlaf, Fassung 2011
Christine Simolka, Gesang
René Wohlhauser, Gesang, Mandoline und Keyboards
Aufnahme: Christian Seiffert

Ds Land vom ewige Luxus
Komposition, Text und Arrangement: René Wohlhauser, 25.5.1985
Gesang und alle Instrumente gespielt von René Wohlhauser

40'000 Nazis
Komposition, Text und Arrangement: René Wohlhauser, 6.2.1983
Gruppe "Phönix": René Wohlhauser, Gesang und Gitarre; Mathias Steinauer, Orgel; Mike Schaffner, Baß; Michael Erni, Schlagzeug

Komposition, Text und Arrangement: René Wohlhauser, 30.8.1985
Gesang und alle Instrumente gespielt von René Wohlhauser


Komposition: René Wohlhauser, 4.3.1985
Realisation: René Wohlhauser

Liedermacher / Singer-Songwriter

Stand ez uf
Komposition, Text und Arrangement: René Wohlhauser, 28.4.1978
Gesang und alle Instrumente gespielt von René Wohlhauser, außer der Flöte, gespielt von Lukas Näf (Revox-Zwei-Kanal-Playback-Verfahren)

Leng isch dr Wäg
Komposition, Text und Arrangement: René Wohlhauser, 9.8.1977
Gesang und alle Instrumente gespielt von René Wohlhauser (Revox-Zwei-Kanal-Playback-Verfahren)

D'Sunne schint gengen
Komposition, Text und Arrangement: René Wohlhauser, 18.9.1977
Gesang und alle Instrumente gespielt von René Wohlhauser (Revox-Zwei-Kanal-Playback-Verfahren)

Lana Gana
Komposition, Text und Arrangement: René Wohlhauser, 25.4.1978
Gesang und alle Instrumente gespielt von René Wohlhauser (Revox-Zwei-Kanal-Playback-Verfahren)

Lana Gana, unplugged-Fassung 2010
Christine Simolka, Gesang
René Wohlhauser, Gesang, Mandoline und Keyboards
Aufnahme: Christian Seiffert

Lana Gana, Rock-Fassung 2011
Christine Simolka, Gesang
René Wohlhauser, Gesang, Mandoline und Keyboards

Komposition, Text und Arrangement: René Wohlhauser, 4.1.1979
Gesang: René und Eva Wohlhauser, Stahlsaiten-Gitarre: René Wohlhauser, Nylonsaiten-Gitarre: Peter Fuchs

z'Nacht am See
Komposition, Text und Arrangement: René Wohlhauser, 31.7.1978
Gesang und alle Instrumente gespielt von René Wohlhauser

Liecht ir Nacht
Komposition, Text und Arrangement: René Wohlhauser, 1978
Gesang und alle Instrumente gespielt von René Wohlhauser

Hörspiel / Schweizerdeutsche Märchen für Kinder

Parergon-Gruppe 18, Nrn. 1-73: 73 Musikstücke zur Märchenfolge "D'Schneehäx und dr Zouberer Merlin", Text: Peter Fuchs, Musik: René Wohlhauser, Sprecher/innen: Eva Wohlhauser-Sieber, Barbara Fuchs-Sieber, Peter Fuchs, René Wohlhauser (Erschienen im Zytglogge-Verlag Bern)
1. Folge: "D'Gschicht vun de Quellwasserfroueleni" (1985),

Schneehäx Folge 1

Die Musikstücke:

2. Folge: "D'Gschicht vum Archibald Wüterich" (1986)

Schneehäx Folge 2

D'Schneehäx und dr Zouberer Merlin, Folge 3 und 4

3. Folge: "D'Gschicht vum magische Bärg" (1987)
Der Vogel Fasola

Schneehäx Folge 3

4. Folge: "D'Obbels" (1990)

Schneehäx Folge 4


Another Day (Musikwerknummer 1243, Parergon-Gruppe 38, Nr. 10)
René Wohlhauser: Klavier und Gesang
Christine Simolka: Djembé
Aufnahme: Christian Seiffert

Parergon-Gruppe 30: Improvisatorische Variationen

Nr. 14: Variationen über "The House of the Rising Sun" für Klavier / The House of the Rising Sun variations for piano
Es spielt / Performed by René Wohlhauser:

Nr. 22: Variationen über den "Old Time Jazz" für Klavier / Old Time Jazz variations for piano
Es spielt / Performed by René Wohlhauser:

Nr. 24: Variationen über "Popcorn" für Klavier / Popcorn variations for piano
Es spielt / Performed by René Wohlhauser:


Parergon-Gruppe 35, Nrn. 1-80: 80 Arrangements, Bearbeitungen fremder Stücke, Auswahl (alle Stücke interpretiert von Christine Simolka, vocals, René Wohlhauser, mandolin and vocals, Christian Seiffert, recordings):

René Wohlhauser, vocals and piano, Christian Seiffert, recordings:

Stücke für Mandoline

Parergon-Gruppe 36, Nrn. 1-7: 7 Stücke für Mandoline, Auswahl:
"Improvisation in g" (René Wohlhauser, Mandoline)

Eigene Rock- und Blues-Stücke für Klavier

Parergon-Gruppe 38, Nrn. 1-21: 21 Rock- und Blues-Stücke, Auswahl:

14 Kleine Auftragsstücke im Bereich der zeitgenössischen E-Musik

Parergon-Gruppe 23, Nrn. 1-14:
14 Kleine Auftragsstücke im Bereich der zeitgenössischen E-Musik, Auswahl:

Wer den Gesang nicht kennt
für Sprechensemble in drei Gruppen
Parergon 23, Nr. 13
Komposition: 8. April bis 21. Mai 1991
Text: Atahualpa Yupanqui
Publikation im Basler Singbuch "s Liederköfferli", Lehrmittelverlag des Kantons Basel-Stadt, 1992, ISBN 3-906683-36-2
Klangrealisation durch Studentinnen und Studenten der Abteilung II des Pädagogischen Instituts Basel-Stadt unter der Leitung von Rudolf Jaggi im Spätsommer 1992 während eines Seminar-Lagers in Varazze (Italien).
Vertrieb der CD "us em Liederköfferli": Lehrmittelverlag Basel-Stadt

Das Ensemble Polysono spielt:

- Brian Ferneyhough: Études transcendantales Nrn. 4 und 6
- Olivier Messiaen: Le Merle noir
- Heinz Holliger: Mileva-Lieder
- György Kurtág: Hölderlin: An …
- Luciano Berio: Sequenza III für Frauenstimme
- Wolfgang Rihm: aus "Gesänge op. 1"
- Ursula Seiler Kombaratov: Gebot der Stunde
- Ursula Seiler Kombaratov: Anblicke im Wasser
- René Wohlhauser: Ly-Gue-Tin
- René Wohlhauser: mira schinak
- René Wohlhauser: Musik für Flöte solo
- René Wohlhauser: Rachearie
- René Wohlhauser: Iguur – Blay – Luup
- René Wohlhauser: Sokrak
- René Wohlhauser: 'Srang
- René Wohlhauser: Studie über Zustände und Zeitprozesse
- René Wohlhauser: Sulawedische Lieder, Gesänge und Vokalstücke
- René Wohlhauser: Klavierquartett

Das Duo Christine Simolka, Sopran, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier, spielt:

- René Wohlhauser: Ly-Gue-Tin
- René Wohlhauser: Rachearie
- René Wohlhauser: Sulawedische Lieder, Gesänge und Vokalstücke
- Luciano Berio: Sequenza III für Frauenstimme
- Heinz Holliger: Mileva-Lieder
- György Kurtág: Hölderlin: An …
- Wolfgang Rihm: aus "Gesänge op. 1"
- Ludwig van Beethoven: Flohlied (aus Goethe's Faust)
- Robert Schumann: Frauenliebe und -leben
- Robert Schumann: Widmung
- Gustav Mahler: Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen

Interpretationen von anderen Werken

Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992): Le Merle noir für Flöte und Klavier (1951), interpretiert von / performed by Tabea Resin, Flöte, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 2. Dezember 2006. Hören / listen /audio file:

Brian Ferneyhough (*1943): Étude no. 4 from «Études transcendantales» for flute, oboe, soprano, harpsichord and violoncello (1982-85), interpretiert von / performed by the Ensemble Polysono (Christine Simolka, Soprano, and Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, flute). Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 23. März 2009. Hören / listen / audio file:

Brian Ferneyhough (*1943): Étude no. 6 from «Études transcendantales» for flute, oboe, soprano, harpsichord and violoncello (1982-85), interpretiert von / performed by the Ensemble Polysono (Christine Simolka, Soprano, Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, alto flute, Markus Stolz, violoncello and René Wohlhauser, conductor). Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 13. Februar 2008. Hören / listen / audio file:

Heinz Holliger (*1939): 5 Mileva-Lieder nach Gedichten der 6-10jährigen Mileva Demenga, für Sopran und Klavier (1994), interpretiert von / performed by Christine Simolka, Sopran, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 2. Dezember 2007. Hören / listen /audio file:

György Kurtág (*1926): Hölderlin: An … für Sopran und Klavier, op. 29, Nr. 1 (1989), Text: Friedrich Hölderlin
Interpretiert von / performed by Christine Simolka, Sopran, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 17. Mai 2009. Hören / listen / audio file:

Luciano Berio (1925-2003): Sequenza III für Frauenstimme solo (1966), Text von Markus Kutter, interpretiert / performed by Christine Simolka. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 3. Mai 2009. Hören / listen / audio file:

Wolfgang Rihm (*1952): aus Gesänge op. 1 (1968-70), interpretiert von / performed by Christine Simolka, Sopran, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 1. März 2008 (Nrn. 1 und 2) bzw. 17. Mai 2009 (Nrn. 3 und 4). Hören / listen / audio file:

Nr. 1: Untergang für Sopran und Klavier auf ein Gedicht von Georg Trakl

Nr. 2: Geistliche Dämmerung für Sopran und Klavier auf ein Gedicht von Georg Trakl

Nr. 3: Hälfte des Lebens für Sopran und Klavier auf ein Gedicht von Friedrich Hölderlin

Nr. 4: Hochsommerbann für Sopran und Klavier auf ein Gedicht von Oskar Loerke

Ursula Seiler Kombaratov (*1973): Gebot der Stunde für Sopran, Flöte, Klarinette und Violoncello auf einen Text von Hansheinrich Rütimann (2008), interpretiert / performed by the Ensemble Polysono. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 23. März 2009. Hören / listen / audio file:

Ursula Seiler Kombaratov (*1973): Anblicke im Wasser für Flöte und Klarinette (2006), interpretiert / performed by the Ensemble Polysono. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 13. Februar 2008. Hören / listen / audio file:

1.) Fische

2.) Seepferdchen

3.) Anemone

Gustav Mahler (1860-1911): Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen, aus den "Rückert-Liedern" / "Liedern aus letzter Zeit" (1905), nach Texten von Friedrich Rückert (1788-1866), interpretiert von / performed by Christine Simolka, Sopran, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 24. März 2007. Hören / listen /audio file:

Robert Schumann (1810-1856): Frauenliebe und -leben op. 42 (1840), nach Texten von Adelbert von Chamisso (1781-1838), interpretiert von / performed by Christine Simolka, Sopran, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil 2006. Hören / listen /audio file:

Robert Schumann (1810-1856): Widmung (1840), aus dem Zyklus "Myrten" op. 25, nach einem Gedicht von Friedrich Rückert (1788-1866), interpretiert von / performed by Christine Simolka, Sopran, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 30. September 2006. Hören / listen /audio file:

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827): «Aus Goethe’s Faust» (Flohlied), Op. 75, Nr. 3 (1809). Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Interpretiert von / performed by Christine Simolka, Sopran, und René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil, 14. September 2008. Hören / listen / audio file:

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827): Klaviersonate Nr. 1, op. 2, Nr. 1 (1795), interpretiert von / performed by René Wohlhauser, Klavier. Aufnahme / Recording: Christian Seiffert, Bättwil 2008. Hören / listen /audio file:



Auf YouTube sind die Videos mit Musik von René Wohlhauser in zwei Playlists zusammengefaßt, die laufend erweitert werden.
On YouTube the videos with music by René Wohlhauser are summarized in two playlists, which are constantly being expanded.

1) Eine Playlist, die alle Videos enthält:
A playlist containing all videos:
René Wohlhauser - All videos, official selection
Diese Playlist beginnt mit Songs von René Wohlhauser, dann folgen Jazzrock-Stücke von René Wohlhauser, Coverversionen, Bearbeitungen und Interpretationen traditioneller Werke. Dann folgt ein großer Block mit zeitgenössischen Werken (moderne Klassik) von René Wohlhauser. Dann folgen Live-Mitschnitte von verschiedenen Tournee-Konzerten mit zeitgenössischen Werken. Dann folgen 23 Versionen der Kammeroper "L'amour est une duperie" von René Wohlhauser. Am Schluß finden sich die beim Label Neos erschienenen CDs mit Werken von René Wohlhauser, die von Naxos of America auf YouTube gestellt wurden.
This playlist begins with songs by René Wohlhauser, then follow jazzrock pieces by René Wohlhauser, cover versions, adaptations and interpretations of traditional works. Then follows a large block with contemporary works (modern classical music) by René Wohlhauser. Then you will find live recordings of different tour concerts with contemporary works. Then follow 23 versions of the chamber opera "L'amour est une duperie" by René Wohlhauser. At the end you'll find the CDs with works by René Wohlhauser, which were released by the label Neos and which were provided on YouTube by Naxos of America:
René Wohlhauser - All videos, official selection

2) Eine Playlist nur mit den zeitgenössischen Werken (moderne Klassik) von René Wohlhauser:
A playlist only with the contemporary works (modern classical music) by René Wohlhauser:
René Wohlhauser – contemporary music

Playlist René Wohlhauser – All videos, in categories

Playlist:423 videos
Totally 561 different compositions and 23 arrangements by René Wohlhauser and 101 compositions by other composers in this playlist.
With few exceptions, all works were produced by Christian Seiffert.

Songs by René Wohlhauser

  1. Sunrise (with lyrics translation)
  2. Laß' uns schweben (with lyrics translation)
  3. 40'000 Nazis (with lyrics translation)
  4. Abschalte bitte! (with lyrics translation)
  5. Mini Hammer-Melodie (with lyrics translation)
  6. Dornrösli schlaf
  7. Liechter
  8. Liechter Live-Version
  9. Geschter
  10. Lana Gana (unplugged short version)
  11. Lana Gana (Rock long version)
  12. Rabe
  13. Raben (hochdeutsche Version)
  14. Din eigete Wäg (with lyrics translation)
  15. Läbscht ir Vergangenheit
  16. Du wirsch nüm weich!
  17. Ds Pole-Lied
  18. Troumwält
  19. Jugendtreim
  20. Hundert Lieder
  21. Alti Gschichte - alti Gfüehl
  22. Ds Land vom ewige Luxus
  23. No nes Lied
  24. Jumping Pictures
  25. Lied für dä Tag
  26. Niemertsland (with lyrics translation)
  27. We are we
  28. Rausworfen, irgendwo (Wie lange noch?)
  29. Rosa Sumpf (with lyrics translation)
  30. Diä Verschwundene (with lyrics translation)
  31. Dr Asfalttiger (with lyrics translation)
  32. Heissi Nacht (with lyrics translation)
  33. Leng isch dr Wäg (with lyrics translation)
  34. Di gueti Zyt
  35. Di gueti Zyt (live, with lyrics translation)
  36. Der Franzi-Rap (with lyrics translation)

Traditionals, arranged by René Wohlhauser

  1. St. James Infirmary
  2. Oh Tannenbaum / O Christmas Tree (with variations)
  3. Oh Tannenbaum / O Christmas Tree (with drums and variations)
  4. Guggisberglied
  5. Z'Basel a mym Rhy

Musical Diaries

  1. Musical Diary No. 1 from 10 March 1981
  2. Musical Diary No. 2 from 24 December 1985
  3. Musical Diary No. 2 from 24 December 1985, live
  4. Musical Diary No. 3 from 1 April 1989
  5. Musical Diary No. 4 from 18 September 1996 (with score)
  6. Musical Diary No. 5 from 27 September 1996 (with score)
  7. Musical Diary No. 6 from 28 September 1996 (with score)
  8. Musical Diary No. 29 from 5 July 1997
  9. Musical Diary No. 31 from 17 July 1997 (with score)
  10. Musical Diary No. 45 from 12 September 1998 (with score)
  11. Musical Diary No. 47 from 12 September 1998 (with score)
  12. Musical Diary No. 50 from 29 November 1998 (with score)
  13. Musical Diary No. 55 from 25 August 1999 (with score)
  14. Musical Diary No. 57 from 12 February 2000 (with score)
  15. Musical Diary No. 66 from 13 August 2000 (with score)
  16. Musical Diary No. 88 from 6 March 2005, version for recorder and piano (with score)
  17. Musical Diary No. 91 from 26 October 2005
  18. Musical Diary No. 93 from 2 December 2005
  19. Musical Diary No. 100 from 24 May 2006 (with score)
  20. Musical Diary No. 100 from 24 May 2006 (live)
  21. Musical Diary No. 101 from 8 June 2006 (with score)
  22. Musical Diary No. 102 from 27 July 2006 (with score)
  23. Musical Diary No. 109 from 7 January 2010 "A Winter's Tale"
  24. Musical Diary No. 114 from 30 November 2010
  25. Musical Diary No. 131 from 15 October 2014
  26. Musical Diary No. 134 from 16 June 2015
  27. Musical Diary No. 147 from 13 October 2017 (with score)
  28. Musical Diary No. 153 from 2 February 2018
  29. Musical Diary No. 164 from 17 January 2019
  30. Musical Diary No. 176 from 5 February 2021, version for recorder and piano (with score)
  31. Musical Diary No. 177 from 28 May 2021, version for recorder and piano (with score)
  32. Musical Diary No. 178 from 11 May 2021, version for recorder and piano (with score)
  33. Musical Diary No. 180 from 18 July 2021 (with score)
  34. Musical Diary No. 183 from 25 August 2021 (with score)
  35. Musical Diary No. 186 from 31 December 2021 (with score)
  36. Musical Diary No. 188 from 2 April 2022 (with score)
  37. Musical Diary No. 192 from 2 August 2022 (with score)
  38. Riffs for Piano Nos. 1-28 (with score)
  39. Riffs for Piano Nos. 29-51 (with score)
  40. Riffs for Piano Nos. 52-69 (with score)
  41. Riffs for Piano Nos. 70-87 (with score)
  42. Riffs for Piano Nos. 88-105
  43. Riffs for Piano Nos. 106-119 (with score)
  44. Riffs for Piano Nos. 120-146 (with score)
  45. Riffs for Piano Nos. 147-160 (with score)
  46. Riffs for Piano Nos. 161-173 (with score)
  47. Riffs for Piano Nos. 174-188 (with score)
  48. Riffs for Piano Nos. 189-194 (with score)
  49. Riffs for Piano Nos. 195-202 (with score)
  50. Riffs for Guitar Nos. 1-13, versions for acoustic guitar (with score)
  51. Riffs for Guitar Nos. 1-13, versions for electric guitar (with score)
  52. Riffs for Guitar Nos. 193-217 (with score)
  53. Riffs for Guitar Nos. 218-225 (with score)

Jazzrock pieces and other styles by René Wohlhauser

  1. Jazz Vocal Duet
  2. Pop Riff of 31 May 2006 (JazzRockBlues piece No. 16)
  3. Rock Riff of 25 June 2006 (JazzRockBlues piece No. 17)
  4. Rock Riff of 4 July 2006 (JazzRockBlues piece No. 18)
  5. Pop Riff from 4 March 2019 (Version 1) (JazzRockBlues piece No. 31)
  6. Pop Riff from 4 March 2019 (Version 2) (JazzRockBlues piece No. 31)
  7. Rock Riff from 5 February 2020 (JazzRockBlues piece No. 33) (with score)
  8. Hm hm hm-Nachspiel (JazzRockBlues piece No. 1)
  9. Hm hm hm-Nachspiel (Live Dance Version) (JazzRockBlues piece No. 1)
  10. c-Moll-Drive (JazzRockBlues piece No. 2)
  11. Improvisation in F Minor (JazzRockBlues piece No. 3) (with score)
  12. Fast Swing (JazzRockBlues piece No. 6) (with score)
  13. Another Day (JazzRockBlues piece No. 10)
  14. Step it up tonight (JazzRockBlues piece No. 11)
  15. Riff from 23 March 2006 (JazzRockBlues piece No. 13)
  16. Blues Rock Riff from 11 April 2006 (JazzRockBlues piece No. 15b) (with score)
  17. Blues Rock Riff from 27 April 2007, version with soprano saxophone (JazzRockBlues piece No. 20,2a) (with score)
  18. Blues Rock Riff from 27 April 2007, version with tenor saxophone (JazzRockBlues piece No. 20,2b) (with score)
  19. Keep on moving! (JazzRockBlues piece No. 22)
  20. Buried Memories (JazzRockBlues piece No. 23)
  21. Untitled of 21st May 2013 (JazzRockBlues piece No. 24)
  22. Untitled of 21st June 2013 (JazzRockBlues piece No. 25)
  23. JazzRockBlues piece No. 32 from 4 February 2020 (with score)
  24. JazzRockBlues piece No. 34 from 11 May 2020 (Rock-Riff from 11 May 2020) (with score)
  25. JazzRockBlues piece No. 35 from 14 May 2020 (Rock-Riff from 14 May 2020) (with score)
  26. Bluesrock from 11 June 2020 (JazzRockBlues piece No. 38) (with score)
  27. JazzRockBlues piece No. 39 from 16 July 2020 (with score)
  28. Riff from 27 October 2020, JazzRockBlues piece No. 40 from 27 October 2020, version for soprano, piano and percussion (with score)
  29. JazzRockBlues piece No. 42 from 28 April 2021 (with score)
  30. JazzRockBlues piece No. 43,2 from 5 October 2021 (with score)
  31. JazzRockBlues piece No. 45 from 16 August 2022 (with score)
  32. Variations on "The House of the Rising Sun" (with score)
  33. Variations on "Popcorn"
  34. Variations on the Old Time Jazz
  35. Variations on "Happy Birthday" (with score)
  36. Variations on a own Theme
  37. Driftin'
  38. Improvisation in g (by René Wohlhauser)
  39. Unter den Linden (Words: Walther von der Vogelweide, Music: René Wohlhauser)
  40. Drei Romantische Lieder
  41. Old Revolution (with score)
  42. D'Schneehäx und dr Zouberer Merlin, 1. Folge: D'Quellwasserfroueleni. Text: Peter Fuchs, Musik: René Wohlhauser
  43. D'Schneehäx und dr Zouberer Merlin, 2. Folge: D'Gschicht vom Archibald Wüterich. Text: Peter Fuchs, Musik: René Wohlhauser
  44. D'Schneehäx und dr Zouberer Merlin, 3. Folge: D'Gschicht vom magische Bärg. Text: Peter Fuchs, Musik: René Wohlhauser
  45. D'Schneehäx und dr Zouberer Merlin, 4. Folge: D'Obbels. Text: Peter Fuchs, Musik: René Wohlhauser

Cover versions, arranged by René Wohlhauser (Acoustic Covers)

  1. When I am laid in Earth (short version) (by René Wohlhauser / Henry Purcell)
  2. When I am laid in Earth (with solo violin & Jazzrock variations) (by René Wohlhauser / Henry Purcell)
  3. When I am laid in Earth (with Jazzrock variations) (by René Wohlhauser / Henry Purcell)
  4. Let it be (by Paul Mc Cartney)
  5. Under my Thumb (by Mick Jagger / Keith Richard / René Wohlhauser)
  6. California Dreamin' (by John Phillips and Michelle Gilliam)
  7. California Dreamin' (by John Phillips and Michelle Gilliam)
  8. Me and Bobby McGee (by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster)
  9. Leaving on a Jet Plane (by John Denver)
  10. Swiss X-tett - Leaving on a Jet Plane (by John Denver)
  11. Those were the Days (by Gene Raskin)
  12. Country Roads (by John Denver, Bill Danoff and Taffy Nievert Danoff)
  13. The Night they drove Old Dixie down (by Robbie Robertson)
  14. The Streets of London (by Ralph McTell)
  15. Sailing (by Gavin Sutherland)
  16. The Dock of the Bay (by Otis Redding and Steve Cropper)
  17. The Dock of the Bay (voice and piano version) (by Otis Redding and Steve Cropper)
  18. The House of the Rising sun (Traditional)
  19. The House of the Rising sun (voice and piano version) (Traditional)
  20. Greensleeves (Traditional)
  21. Pierre de la Rue – Pleni sunt coeli from Missa l'homme armé I
  22. Pierre de la Rue – Pleni sunt coeli from Missa de Feria
  23. [L:}}


    Pierre de la Rue – Pleni sunt coeli from Missa Sancto Job

Contemporary (modern classical) music by René Wohlhauser

  1. «Lemuria», for two flutes and tape (1977), performed by David Johnson and René Wohlhauser (with score) More information about the work
  2. «Nesut», for piano (1977), performed by Moritz Ernst (with score). More information about the work
  3. «Souvenirs de l'Occitanie» for clarinet solo (1977-1978), performed by Ernesto Molinari (with score). More information about the work
  4. «Musica Assoluta e Determinata», for voice and chamber ensemble (1981), performed by Christine Simolka (voice) and a chamber ensemble including Matthias Merke (trumpet) and René Wohlhauser (guitar and piano in playback) (with score). More information about the work
  5. «Klavierquartett» / «Piano quartett», version for flute, clarinet, piano and violoncello (1979/83-84, rev. 1987), performed by the Ensemble Polysono *). More information about the work
  6. «Schlagzeugtrio» for 3 percussionists (1984-1985), performed by the Basler Schlagzeugtrio (with score). More information about the work
  7. «CI-IC» for flute and viola (1985), performed by Philippe Racine and Monika Clemann (with score). More information about the work
  8. «Duometrie», for flute and bass clarinet (1985/86), performed by Philippe Racine, flutes, and Ernesto Molinari, bass clarinet (with score).More information about the work
  9. «Duometrie», for flute and bass clarinet (1985/86), performed by Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, flutes, and Igor Kombaratov, bass clarinet. More information about the work
  10. «Orgelstück», for Organ (1986), Ergon 13, performed by Ludwig Kaiser (with score). More information about the work
  11. «Orgelstück», for Organ (1986), Ergon 13, performed live by Odile Pierre at Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris at December 10, 1989 More information about the work
  12. «Drei Stücke für Klavier» (Three pieces for piano) (1986/87), Ergon 14, performed by Daniel Cholette (with score). More information about the work
  13. «Klarinettentrio Metamusik», for 3 clarinets in Bb (1986/87), Ergon 15, performed by the Swiss Clarinet Trio: Ernesto Molinari, Donna Wagner, Stephan Siegenthaler (with score). More information about the work
  14. «Adagio assai», for string quartet (1982/83/85/87/88) Ergon 16, performed by the Arditti string quartet (with score). More information about the work
  15. «Atemlinie», for french horn and tamtam (the same player) (1988), Ergon 17, performed by Jakob Hefti (with score). More information about the work
  16. «Lumière(s)», for Organ (1989), Ergon 18, performed by Gary Verkade (with score). More information about the work
  17. «in statu mutandi», for orchestra (1991-93), Ergon 19, performed by the Lucerne Symphonic Orchestra, directed by Olaf Henzold (with score). More information about the work
  18. «in statu mutandi», for orchestra (1991-93), Ergon 19, performed by the Lucerne Symphonic Orchestra, directed by Olaf Henzold (new score version). More information about the work
  19. «in statu mutandi», for orchestra (1991-93), Ergon 19, performed by the National Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Moldova under the baton of the Principal Conductor Mihai Agafita, live in Chisinau More information about the work
  20. «vocis imago», for flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin and violoncello, performed by the Ensemble Polysono *), directed by the composer (with score). More information about the work
  21. «Gedankenflucht», for cello and piano (1995), Ergon 22, performed by Markus Stolz, Cello, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  22. «Gedankenflucht», for cello and piano (1995), Ergon 22, performed by Martin Jaggi, cello, and Anton Kernjak, piano. More information about the work
  23. «Quantenströmung», original version for flute, viola and harp (1996), performed by the Sabeth Trio Basel: Matthias Ebner, flute, Markus Wieder, viola, Sarah O’Brien, harp (with score). More information about the work
  24. «Quantenströmung», version for flute, violoncello and piano (1996/97), performed by Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, flute, Markus Stolz, violoncello, René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  25. «Entropía», for violoncello solo (1997/98), performed by Frank Cox, violoncello (with score). More information about the work
  26. «carpe diem», for string quartet (1998/99), performed by the Arditti string quartet (with score). More information about the work
  27. «Die Auflösung der Zeit in Raum, version for saxophone, percussion and piano (2000/2001), performed by the "Trio Accanto" (Marcus Weiss, Christian Dierstein and Yukiko Sugawara (with score). More information about the work
  28. «Die Auflösung der Zeit in Raum», for clarinet/bass clarinet, violoncello and piano (2000-2001/2011), performed by Igor Kombaratov, clarinets, Markus Stolz, violoncello, René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  29. «Manía», for piano solo (2001/2002), performed by Moritz Ernst (with score). More information about the work
  30. «Musik für Flöte» (Music for flute solo) (2002), performed by Anastasia Chulkova (with score). More information about the work
  31. "Gantenbein", opera for 4 soloists (SMezTBar) and orchestra (2004), performed by Simone Stock, Alexander Kaimbacher, Caroline Vitale, Howard Quilla Croft and the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Mark Foster. More information about the work
  32. «Rachearie» from the opera «Gantenbein», version for soprano and piano (2004), performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, piano. More information about the work
  33. «Rachearie» from the opera «Gantenbein», version for soprano and piano (2004), performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  34. «gelsüraga», for soprano and piano (2005), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, piano. More information about the work
  35. «gelsüraga», for soprano and piano (2005), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  36. «hang gomeka», for soprano and piano (2005), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  37. «suragimanä», for soprano and piano (2005), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  38. «Duett» (solo version), for baritone solo, performed by René Wohlhauser (with score). More information about the work
  39. «Duett» (duo version), for soprano and baritone, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score). More information about the work
  40. «flutching music», for two musical speaking voices, both voices performed by René Wohlhauser (with score). More information about the work
  41. «sulla tastiera», for musical speaking voice and key surface player (2005), performed by Christine Simolka, voice, and René Wohlhauser, key surface (with score). More information about the work
  42. «Ausklang für tiefes Klavier", for piano (2006), performed by René Wohlhauser (with score). More information about the work
  43. «mira schinak», for soprano, flute and piano (2006), on a poem by the composer, performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  44. «Studie über Zustände und Zeitprozesse», for flute and piano (2007), performed by Ursula Seiler Kombaratov, flute, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  45. «’Srang» for soprano, flute, clarinet and violoncello (2007), to a poem by the composer, performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  46. «Streichtrio» (String Trio) (2007), performed by the "Treiber-Sontòn Caflisch-Müllenbach Trio" (with score). More information about the work
  47. «Ly-Gue-Tin», for voices and piano sounds (2008), on sound poetic texts by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, piano and voice (with score). More information about the work
  48. «Sokrak», for soprano, flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano (2008), to a poem by the composer, performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  49. «Sokrak» (Extract), for soprano, flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano (2008), to a poem by the composer, performed by the Ensemble Polysono *). More information about the work
  50. «Iguur», for soprano solo (2009), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano (with score). More information about the work
  51. «Iguur», version for baritone solo (2009), to a poem by the composer, performed by René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score). More information about the work
  52. «Blay», for soprano and baritone (2009), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score). More information about the work
  53. «Luup», for soprano and small ensemble (2009), to a poem by the composer, performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  54. «Iguur - Blay - Luup», triptych for soprano solo, soprano-baritone duo and soprano with small ensemble (bass flute, bass clarinet and violoncello), to a sound poem by the composer (2009), performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  55. «Charyptin-Fragmente», for soprano and baritone (2010), on a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score). More information about the work
  56. «Charyptin”, for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violin and violoncello (2010), to a poem by the composer, performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score)). More information about the work
  57. «Morphología-Polyphonía» for piano solo, 2nd version (2014), performed by See Siang Wong at the CD "Swiss Piano Project" at the label "musiques suisses", Zurich (with score). More information about the work
  58. «Marakra Code 0», for baritone solo (2011), on a poem by the composer, performed by René Wohlhauser (with score). More information about the work
  59. «Marakra Code 2», for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano, with percussion (2011), on texts by the composer, performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score) More information about the work
  60. «Marakra Code 02.2", for soprano and baritone, with percussion (2011), on a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and percussion (with score). More information about the work
  61. «Uom Raswékje”, duo version, for soprano and baritone (2012), on formant-generated phonemes by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score) More information about the work
  62. «Uom Raswékje Nadak», for soprano, baritone and ensemble (2012), to a poem by the composer, performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  63. «Mikosch», for piano (2013), performed by Elia Seiffert, piano (with score).More information about the work
  64. «Naschra», for 1/16th tone upright piano (2013), performed by Moritz Ernst (with score).More information about the work
  65. «Naschra», for 1/3rd tone grand piano (2013), performed by Moritz Ernst (with score).More information about the work
  66. «Naschra», for standard grand piano (2013), performed by Moritz Ernst (with score).More information about the work
  67. «Mera gor nit», for soprano and baritone (2013), on a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score). More information about the work
  68. «Mera gor nit (live)», for soprano and baritone (2013), on a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone. More information about the work
  69. «Hypnostasis», for piano solo (2013), performed by René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  70. «Kasamarówa», for soprano and baritone (2014), on a sound poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone. More information about the work
  71. «Une Nuit toute passionnée» (2015/2021), version for soprano and piano, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  72. «Duo for Clarinet and Piano» (2014 / 2018), performed by Andriy Bandurin, clarinet, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  73. «Doste Raif», for soprano, baritone and percussion (2016), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and percussion (with score).More information about the work
  74. «Trio for flute, clarinet and violoncello No. 1» (2016), performed by members of the Polysono Ensemble *) (with score). More information about the work
  75. «Verlorene Zukunft (solo version)», version for soprano solo (2016), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka (with score). More information about the work
  76. «Verlorene Zukunft (duo version)», version for soprano and cello (2016), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and Simon Thompson, cello (with score).More information about the work
  77. «Gestörte Lieder (solo version)», version for baritone solo (2016), on a poem by the composer, performed by René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score). More information about the work
  78. «Gestörte Lieder (ensemble version)», version for baritone, bass flute and bass clarinet (2016), on a poem by the composer, performed by René Wohlhauser, baritone, Diana Muela Mora, bass flute, and Yolanda Fernandez, bass clarinet (with score). More information about the work
  79. «Quala Mirs» (ensemble version), version for soprano, baritone and ensemble (2016), to a poem by the composer, performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  80. «Quala Mirs (trio version with gran cassa)», version for soprano, baritone and gran cassa (2016), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score). More information about the work
  81. «Quala Mirs (trio version with maraca)», version for soprano, baritone and maraca (2016), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score). More information about the work
  82. «Quamakútsch», for flute, double bass and piano (2016-2017), performed by the "art ensemble berlin" (with score). More information about the work
  83. «Cellissimo graduale», for violoncello solo (2017), performed by Markus Stolz (with score). More information about the work
  84. «Tramadór Kuriánno», for piano solo (2017), performed by René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  85. «Rand», for baritone and piano (2017), performed by René Wohlhauser, baritone and piano (with score). More information about the work
  86. «ReBruAla» (with score in single systems, for tablets and smartphones), for soprano, baritone, percussed piano and fixed media or live ensemble (six part choir, piano) noise track and field recording (2017), on a poem by the composer (2017), performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and percussed piano. More information about the work
  87. «ReBruAla» (with score in double pages, for monitors), for soprano, baritone, percussed piano and fixed media or live ensemble (six part choir, piano) noise track and field recording (2017), on a poem by the composer (2017), performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and percussed piano. More information about the work
  88. «ReBruAla» (live), for soprano, baritone, percussed piano and fixed media or live ensemble (six part choir, piano) noise track and field recording (2017), on a poem by the composer (2017), performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and percussed piano. More information about the work
  89. «Trio for flute, clarinet and violoncello No. 2» (2017), performed by members of the Polysono Ensemble *) (with score). More information about the work
  90. «Im lauteren Sein (duo version)» (2017), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score).More information about the work
  91. «Im lauteren Sein (ensemble version)» (2017), to a poem by the composer, performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  92. «Marapró», for violin and piano (2018), performed by Elia Seiffert, violin, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  93. «Klumpengesang», for soprano, baritone and piano (2018), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and piano (with score).More information about the work
  94. «Quartet for Flute, Clarinet, Violin and Violoncello No. 1» (2018), performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  95. «Geworf'ne Akrobaten», version for soprano, baritone and piano (2018), performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and piano. More information about the work
  96. «Geworf'ne Akrobaten», version for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet (&bass clarinet), violin and violoncello (2018), performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  97. «Marmamorais» for flute solo (2018), performed by Claudia Weissbarth (with score). More information about the work
  98. «Duo for Violin and Piano No. 2 (live)» (2019), performed by Elia Seiffert, violin, and René Wohlhauser, piano. More information about the work
  99. «Krähenhauber», for soprano, baritone and percussion (2019), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and percussion (with score). More information about the work
  100. «Im Tempo der Wahrnehmung», piano trio No. 1, for violin, cello and piano (2019), performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  101. «Aus der Tiefe der Zeit», version for soprano and baritone (2019), on a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score). More information about the work
  102. «Aus der Tiefe der Zeit», for soprano, bariton, flute, clarinet, violin and violoncello (ensemble version, 2019), on a poem by the composer, performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  103. «Miramsobale», for soprano and violin (2019), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and Maria Ten, violin (with score). More information about the work
  104. «Miramsobale», for soprano and violin (2019), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and Elia Seiffert, violin (with score). More information about the work
  105. «Miramsobale», version for soprano and piano (2020), to a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  106. «Duo for flute and violoncello No. 1» (2019), performed by Anastasia Chulkova and Vladislav Smirnov (with score). More information about the work
  107. «Moments musicaux en suite» for cello solo (2019), performed by Maja Weber. More information about the work
  108. «Mochlan», for soprano and baritone (2020), on a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score) More information about the work
  109. «Concertino No. 1 for Flute and Ensemble» (2020), performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  110. «Concertino No. 2 for Clarinet and Ensemble» (2020), performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  111. «Duo for flute and violoncello No. 2» (2020/2021), performed by Anastasia Chulkova, flute, and Kiril Fasla Prolat, violoncello (with score). More information about the work
  112. «Piano Trio No. 2», for violin, violoncello and piano (2020), performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  113. «Die fragmentierte Wahrnehmung», for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violin and violoncello (2020), on a poem by the composer, performed by the Ensemble Polysono *) (with score). More information about the work
  114. «Trio for Soprano, Violin and Piano No. 1», Version 1 (2021), on 6 poems by the composer, peformed by Christine Simolka, soprano, Elia Seiffert, violin, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  115. «Trio for Soprano, Violin and Piano No. 1», Version 2 (2021), on 6 poems by the composer, peformed by Christine Simolka, soprano, Elia Seiffert, violin, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  116. «Licht ist eng», for soprano, speaking voice and piano, (2021), on poems by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, speaking voice and piano (with score). More information about the work
  117. «Quartet for flute, clarinet, violin and violoncello No. 2, „Gen-tuplets“» (2021), performed by the Ensemble Polysono (with score). More information about the work
  118. «Trio for soprano, violin and piano No. 2» (2022), on 5 poems by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, Elia Seiffert, violin, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  119. «Eingedunkelte Zeit», on a poem by the composer, for soprano and baritone, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score). More information about the work
  120. «Nein, ich akzeptier' es nicht», on a poem by the composer, for speaking voice and percussion, performed by Christine Simolka, speaking voice, and René Wohlhauser, percussion (with score). More information about the work
  121. «Piano trio No. 3», for violin, cello and piano (2022), performed by the Ensemble Polysono (with score). More information about the work
  122. «Klavierstück X KT3», for piano solo, performed by René Wohlhauser (with score). More information about the work
  123. «Dunkle Stimmen», ensemble version for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violin and violoncello (2022), on a poem by the composer, performed by the Ensemble Polysono (with score). More information about the work
  124. «Quer durch …», version for soprano and clarinet (2022), on a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and Ariane Rovesse, clarinet (with score). More information about the work
  125. «Quer durch …», version for soprano and piano (2022), on a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  126. «Dunkle Stimmen», version for soprano, baritone and noise track (2022 / 2023), on a poem by the composer, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone (with score). More information about the work
  127. «Duo for violin and piano No. 3, „Reversed Sonority“» (2023), performed by Elia Seiffert, violin, and René Wohlhauser, piano (with score). More information about the work
  128. «Piano Trio No. 4», for violin, cello and piano (2023), performed by the Ensemble Polysono (with score). More information about the work
  129. «In mäandrierendem Rausch», for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violin and violoncello (2023), performed by the Ensemble Polysono (with score). More information about the work
  130. «Quartet for flute, clarinet, violin and cello No. 3», "Gen-microtones" (2023), performed by the Ensemble Polysono (with score). More information about the work

*) Ensemble Polysono, members


  1. Musinfo Portrait - René Wohlhauser
  2. Musinfo Portrait - René Wohlhauser (Long version)
  3. Christine Simolka & René Wohlhauser at the Festival "The Days of New Music" in Chisinau 2021
  4. René Wohlhauser - CD Review on Radio Berlin-Brandenburg rbb kultur on May 2, 2022
  5. René Wohlhauser - CD Review on Radio Berlin-Brandenburg rbb kultur on May 2, 2023
  6. René Wohlhauser - CD Review on Radio Berlin-Brandenburg rbb kultur on May 6, 2024
  7. René Wohlhauser - Portrait on Deutschlandfunk Kultur on May 9, 2023
  8. René Wohlhauser - Komponisten über Komponisten: René Wohlhauser über Klaus Huber, Schweizer Radio SRF 2 Kultur, 20. März 2024

Concert movies

  1. The Ensemble Polysono - Live in Basel 2017
    Includes 7 compositions by René Wohlhauser

  2. The Ensemble Polysono - Live in Berlin 2018
    Includes 4 compositions by René Wohlhauser and compositions by Klaus Huber, Heinz Holliger and Iannis Xenakis

  3. The Ensemble Polysono - Live in Basel 2019
    Includes 7 compositions by René Wohlhauser

  4. The Ensemble Polysono - Live in Munich 2020
    Includes 7 compositions by René Wohlhauser

  5. The Ensemble Polysono - Live in Zurich 2022
    Includes 8 compositions by René Wohlhauser

  6. The Ensemble Polysono - Live in Zurich 2023
    Includes 7 compositions by René Wohlhauser

  7. The Ensemble Polysono - Live in Bern 2024
    Includes 8 compositions by René Wohlhauser

  8. Christine Simolka & René Wohlhauser - Live in Paris 2012 with Siberchicot - Le Style en figures
  9. Christine Simolka & René Wohlhauser - Live in Hamburg 2014
    Includes 3 compositions by René Wohlhauser and compositions by Rudolf Kelterborn, Jan Kopp, Wolfgang Rihm, Violeta Dinescu, Khadija Zeynalova, Henri Pauly-Laubry and Bruno Siberchicot

  10. Christine Simolka & René Wohlhauser - Live in Hamburg 2015
    Includes a composition by René Wohlhauser and compositions by Enno Poppe, Jan Kopp, Achim Bornhöft, Wolfgang Rihm, Violeta Dinescu, Henri Pauly-Laubry and Bruno Siberchicot

  11. Christine Simolka & René Wohlhauser - Live in Baden-Baden 2016
    Includes 2 compositions by René Wohlhauser and compositions by Luigi Nono, Andreas F. Staffel, Volker Ignaz Schmidt, Michael Quell, Hans-Karsten Raecke, Wolfgang Rihm, Gwyn Pritchard, Henri Pauly-Laubry, Bruno Siberchicot and Violeta Dinescu

  12. Christine Simolka & René Wohlhauser - Live in Hamburg 2017
    Includes 2 compositions by René Wohlhauser and compositions by Heinz Holliger, Hans-Karsten Raecke, Jörg-Peter Mittmann, Khadija Zeynalova, Peter Helmut Lang, Giordano Bruno do Nascimento, Henri Pauly-Laubry, Jean-Claude Wolff and Violeta Dinescu

  13. Christine Simolka & René Wohlhauser - Live in Berlin 2018
    Includes 2 compositions by René Wohlhauser and compositions by Klaus Huber, Volker Ignaz Schmidt, Hans-Karsten Raecke, Khadija Zeynalova, Wolfgang Suppan, Jean-Luc Darbellay, Jean-Claude Wolff and Violeta Dinescu

  14. Christine Simolka & René Wohlhauser - Live in Berlin 2019
    Includes 5 compositions by René Wohlhauser and compositions by Volker Ignaz Schmidt, Hans-Karsten Raecke, Gerald Resch, Jean-Claude Wolff and Violeta Dinescu

  15. Christine Simolka & René Wohlhauser - Live in Paris 2020
    Includes 5 compositions by René Wohlhauser and compositions by Adrian Iorgulescu, Ulpiu Vlad, Vlad Razvan Baciu, Henri Pauly-Laubry, Jean-Claude Wolff and Violeta Dinescu

  16. Christine Simolka & René Wohlhauser - Live in Bucharest 2021
    Includes 4 compositions by René Wohlhauser and compositions by Klaus Huber, Adrian Iorgulescu, Ulpiu Vlad, Vlad Razvan Baciu, Henri Pauly-Laubry, Jean-Claude Wolff and Violeta Dinescu

  17. Christine Simolka & René Wohlhauser - Live in Vienna 2022
    Includes 4 compositions by René Wohlhauser and compositions by Heinz Holliger, Ghenadie Ciobanu, Vlad Razvan Baciu, Roman Vlad, Stéphane Boussuge, Henri Pauly-Laubry, Jean-Claude Wolff and Violeta Dinescu

  18. Christine Simolka & René Wohlhauser - Live in Bucharest 2023
    Includes 4 compositions by René Wohlhauser and compositions by Gwyn Pritchard, Leon Zmelty, Veronica Ciobanu, Vlad Burlea, Dinu Lipatti, Vlad Razvan Baciu, Ulpiu Vlad, Roman Vlad, Stéphane Boussuge, Jean-Claude Wolff and Violeta Dinescu

  19. Christine Simolka & René Wohlhauser - Autumn Tour 2024
    Includes 4 compositions by René Wohlhauser and compositions by Susanne Stelzenbach, Christian FP Kram, Thomas Leppuhr, Thorsten Gubatz, Yann Windeshausen, Ghenadie Ciobanu, Vlad Razvan Baciu, Roman Vlad, Jean-Claude Wolff and Violeta Dinescu

L'amour est une duperie
A chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio (concertante or staged) by René Wohlhauser.
In different versions: Duo version, Trio version, Ensemble version, Ensemble version with violin, Compilation of cutouts (Il y a une chose).
Of each version there is a version with the Sartre texts in sound poetry and with the Sartre texts in French.
(23 videos / works by René Wohlhauser)

  1. L’amour et la liberté (Duo version, Sartre in sound poetry) (with score) 1st part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano and baritone, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone. More information about the work
  2. Je passe un temps aussi fort que possible (Duo version, Sartre in sound poetry) (with score) 2nd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano and baritone, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone. More information about the work
  3. Je me sens un salaud (Duo version, Sartre in sound poetry) (with score) 3rd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano and baritone, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone. More information about the work
  4. L’amour et la liberté (Duo version, Sartre in French) (with score) 1st part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano and baritone, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone. More information about the work
  5. Je passe un temps aussi fort que possible (Duo version, Sartre in French) (with score) 2nd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano and baritone, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone. More information about the work
  6. Je me sens un salaud (Duo version, Sartre in French) (with score) 3rd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano and baritone, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone. More information about the work
  7. L’amour et la liberté (Trio version, Sartre in sound poetry) (with score) 1st part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone and piano, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, René Wohlhauser, baritone and piano, and Elia Seiffert, piano. More information about the work
  8. Je passe un temps aussi fort que possible (Trio version, Sartre in sound poetry) (with score) 2nd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone and piano, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and piano. More information about the work
  9. Je me sens un salaud (Trio version, Sartre in sound poetry) (with score) 3rd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone and piano, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and piano. More information about the work
  10. L’amour et la liberté (Trio version, Sartre in French) (with score) 1st part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone and piano, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, René Wohlhauser, baritone and piano, and Elia Seiffert, piano. More information about the work
  11. Je passe un temps aussi fort que possible" (Trio version, Sartre in French) (with score) 2nd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone and piano, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and piano. More information about the work
  12. Je me sens un salaud (Trio version, Sartre in French) (with score) 3rd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone and piano, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and piano. More information about the work
  13. Une Nuit toute passionnée (with score) Prologue of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano, performed by the Ensemble Polysono. More information about the work
  14. L’amour et la liberté (Ensemble version, Sartre in sound poetry) (with score) 1st part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano, performed by the Ensemble Polysono. More information about the work
  15. Je passe un temps aussi fort que possible (Ens version, Sartre in sound poetry) (with score) 2nd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano, performed by the Ensemble Polysono. More information about the work
  16. Je me sens un salaud (Ensemble version, Sartre in sound poetry) (with score) 3rd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano, performed by the Ensemble Polysono. More information about the work
  17. L’amour et la liberté (Ensemble version, Sartre in French) (with score) 1st part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano, performed by the Ensemble Polysono. More information about the work
  18. Je passe un temps aussi fort que possible (Ensemble version, Sartre in French) (with score) 2nd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano, performed by the Ensemble Polysono. More information about the work
  19. Je me sens un salaud (Ensemble version, Sartre in French) (with score) 3rd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano, performed by the Ensemble Polysono. More information about the work
  20. L’amour et la liberté (Ensemble version with violin, Sartre in sound poetry) (with score) 1st part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and piano, performed by the Ensemble Polysono. More information about the work
  21. L’amour et la liberté (Ensemble version with violin, Sartre in French) (with score) 1st part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and piano, performed by the Ensemble Polysono. More information about the work
  22. Je me sens un salaud (Ensemble version with Violin, Sartre in sound poetry) (with score) 3rd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and piano, performed by the Ensemble Polysono. More information about the work
  23. Je me sens un salaud (Ensemble version with Violin, Sartre in French) (with score) 3rd part of the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and piano, performed by the Ensemble Polysono. More information about the work
  24. Il y a une chose (Sartre in sound poetry) (with score) From the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone and piano, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and piano. More information about the work
  25. Il y a une chose (Sartre in French) (with score) From the chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio „L’amour est une duperie“ for soprano, baritone and piano, performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and piano. More information about the work

*) Ensemble Polysono, members

Portrait CD "René Wohlhauser - The Marakra Cycle"
Wohlhauser Edition, Vol. 1, CD at NEOS Music GmbH, Munich
More information about the cycle.


  1. "mira schinak" for soprano, flute and piano, to a sound poem by the composer (2006), Ergon 33, Musical work number 1307 (Performed by the "Ensemble Polysono") More information about the work.
  2. "’Srang" for soprano, flute, clarinet and violoncello, to a sound poem by the composer (2007), Ergon 36, Musical work number 1359 (Performed by the "Ensemble Polysono") More information about the work.
  3. "Sokrak" for soprano, flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano, to a sound poem by the composer (2008), Ergon 39, Musical work number 1494 (Performed by the "Ensemble Polysono") More information about the work.

    "Iguur – Blay – Luup" for soprano solo, soprano-baritone duo and soprano with small ensemble (bass flute, bass clarinet and violoncello), to a sound poem by the composer (2009), Ergon 40, Musical work numbers 1517, 1519, 1527 (Performed by the "Ensemble Polysono") More information about the work.
  4. "Iguur" for soprano solo (Performed by Christine Simolka, soprano)
  5. "Blay" for soprano and baritone (Performed by Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone)
  6. "Luup" for soprano solo and small ensemble (Performed by the "Ensemble Polysono")
  7. "Charyptin" for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violin and violoncello, to a sound poem by the composer (2010), Ergon 42, Musical work number 1559 (Performed by the "Ensemble Polysono") More information about the work.
  8. "Marakra Code Ø" for baritone solo, to a sound poem by the composer (2011), Ergon 44/IV, Musical work number 1606 (Performed by René Wohlhauser) More information about the work.
  9. "Marakra Code 2" for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano, with percussion, to a mixed poem by the composer between sound poetry and semi-semantics (2011), Ergon 44/II, Musical work number 1604 (Performed by the "Ensemble Polysono") More information about the work.


Portrait CD "René Wohlhauser - Quantenströmung"
Wohlhauser Edition, Vol. 2, CD at NEOS Music GmbH, Munich


  1. "Klavierquartett" (Piano Quartet), version for flute, clarinet, cello and piano (1979/83–84, partially rev. 1987), Ergon 9b (Performed by the Ensemble Polysono) More information about the work
  2. "Duometrie" for flute(s) and bass clarinet (1985–86), Ergon 12 (Performed by the Ensemble Polysono) More information about the work
  3. "Gedankenflucht" (Flight of Ideas) for cello and piano (1995), Ergon 22 (Performed by the Ensemble Polysono) More information about the work
  4. "Quantenströmung" (Quantum Flow), version for flute, cello and piano (1996/97), Ergon 23b (Performed by the Ensemble Polysono) More information about the work
  5. "Die Auflösung der Zeit in Raum" (The Dissolution of Time into Space), version for clarinet/bass clarinet, cello and piano (2000–2001/2011), Ergon 26f, work number 1607 (Performed by the Ensemble Polysono) More information about the work
  6. "Studie über Zustände und Zeitprozesse" (Study on States and Temporal Processes) for flute and piano (2007), Ergon 35, work number 1351 (Performed by the Ensemble Polysono) More information about the work
  7. "Ly-Gue-Tin", a (not entirely serious) sounding work monograph for voice(s) and piano sounds, composed for the inauguration of the life tables of Jean Tinguely (22 May 1925–30 August 1991) in Basel on his 83rd birthday, using phonopoetic texts by the composer (2008), Ergon 38, work number 1493 (Performed by the Ensemble Polysono) More information about the work


Portrait CD "René Wohlhauser - Manía"
Wohlhauser Edition, Vol. 3, CD at NEOS Music GmbH, Munich

Piano works, performed by Moritz Ernst


  1. vocis imago, Version für Klavier solo (1993-1995), More information about the work, 18:41

    Drei Stücke für Klavier (1986-1987), More information about the work
  2. 1. Paginetta per pianoforte, 00:54
  3. 2. Adagio für Klavier, 00:36
  4. 3. Déploîment für drei-pedaligen Flügel, 02:55

  5. Manía für Klavier (2001-2002), More information about the work, 12:31
  6. Nesut für Klavier (1977), More information about the work, 08:24
  7. Naschra, Originalversion für das 1/16tel-Ton-Klavier (2013), More information about the work, 12:29
  8. Naschra, Version für den 1/3tel-Ton-Flügel (2013), 11:33
  9. Naschra, Version für den normalen Halbton-Flügel (2013), 11:51

Total time 79:56


Portrait CD "René Wohlhauser - Kasamarówa"
Wohlhauser Edition, Vol. 4, CD at NEOS Music GmbH, Munich

All titles performed by "The Duo Simolka-Wohlhauser: Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and piano

THE KASAMARÓWA CYCLE, More information about the work

  1. Part 1: "Blay" for soprano and baritone (2009), on a sound poem by the composer, Ergon 40, No. 2, Musical Work Number 1519, More information about the work
  2. Part 2: "Charayptin-Fragmente" for soprano and baritone (2010), on a sound poem by the composer, Ergon 42, No. 2, Musical Work Number 1557, More information about the work
  3. Part 3: "Marakra Code 02.2" for soprano and baritone (2011), on a poem by the composer between sound poetry and semi-semantics, Ergon 44, No. 6, Musical Work Number 1619, More information about the work
  4. Part 4: "Uom Raswékje" for soprano and baritone (2012), using formant-generated phonemes by the composer, Ergon 45, No. 1, Musical Work Number 1637, More information about the work
  5. Part 5: "Mera gor nit" for soprano and baritone (2013), on a sound poem by the composer, Ergon 48, Musical Work Number 1657, More information about the work
  6. Part 6: "Kasamarówa" for soprano and baritone (2014), on a sound poem by the composer, Ergon 52, Musical Work Number 1697, More information about the work

  7. "Iguur", version for solo baritone (2009), on a sound poem by the composer, Ergon 40/1c, Musical Work Number 1531, More information about the work

    THE SULAWEDIC CYCLE: Sulawedic Songs, Chants and Vocal Pieces on sound poems by the composer for soprano, baritone (both also as musical speaking voices) and piano (2005 / 2006 / 2008 / 2009), Ergon 31, Nos. 1–7, More information about the work
  8. Part 1: "gelsüraga" for soprano and piano (2005), Ergon 31, No. 1, Musical Work Number 1183
  9. Part 2: "hang gomeka" for soprano and piano (2005), Ergon 31, No. 2, Musical Work Number 1304
  10. Part 3: "suragimanä" (“Zerdehnte Zeit” (Overstretched Time)) for soprano and piano (2006), Ergon 31, No. 3, Version b, Musical Work Number 1306
  11. Part 4: "Duett" (“Am Rande des Singens” (On the Margins of Singing)) for soprano and baritone a cappella (Ergon 31, No. 4, Version a) in the third version (2008, Musical Work Number 1481)
  12. Part 5: "flutching music", a musical speaking piece for two performers (Ergon 31, No. 5, Version a, 2005, Musical Work Number 1173), or for two performers in the version for one performer alone (Ergon 31, No. 5, Version b, 2005, Musical Work Number 1489)
  13. Part 6: "sulla tastiera" for musical speaking voice and key surface player (Ergon 31, No. 6, Version a.1, 2005, Musical Work Number 1177), or as a virtual duet for solo speaking piano keyboard player (Ergon 31, No. 6, Version a.2, 2005, Musical Work Number 1177b), or for musical speaking voice and speaking piano keyboard player (speaking version, Ergon 31, No. 6, Version b, 2005 / 2009, Musical Work Number 1515)
  14. Part 7: "Ausklang für tiefes Klavier" (2006), Ergon 31, No. 7, Musical Work Number 1313

  15. "Duett" (“Am Rande des Singens” (On the Margins of Singing)), appendix/double version for solo baritone (Ergon 31, No. 4, Version b, 2008, Musical Work Number 1488)


Portrait CD "René Wohlhauser - vocis imago"
Wohlhauser Edition, Vol. 5, CD at NEOS Music GmbH, Munich


  1. "Uom Raswékje Nadak" for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin and violoncello (2012) On formant-generated phonemes by the composer, Ergon 45, no. 2, Music work number 1638 (Performed by the "Ensemble Polysono", conducted by René Wohlhauser), More information about the work
  2. "vocis imago", version for violin solo (1993-1995), Ergon 20, no. 6, Music work number 1404 (Performed by Egidius Streiff, violin), More information about the work

    "Doste Raif" for soprano, baritone and percussion (2016), to texts by the composer, Ergon 56, Music work numbers 1759, 1764-1768, 1771 (Performed by the "Duo Simolka-Wohlhauser": Christine Simolka, soprano, and René Wohlhauser, baritone and percussion), More information about the work
  3. "Doste Raif: I. Duo 1" for soprano and baritone, Ergon 56, no. 3, music work number 1765
  4. "Doste Raif: II. Soprano solo", Ergon 56, no. 4, Music work number 1766
  5. "Doste Raif: III. Duo 2" for soprano and baritone, Ergon 56, no. 5, Music work number 1767
  6. "Doste Raif: IV. Percussion solo", Ergon 56, no. 2, Music work number 1764
  7. "Doste Raif: V. Trio 1" for soprano, baritone and percussive interjections, Ergon 56, no. 6, Music work number 1768
  8. "Doste Raif: VI. Duo 3" for baritone and percussion, Ergon 56, no. 1, Music work number 1759b (2nd version)
  9. "Doste Raif: VII. Trio 2" for soprano, percussive baritone and percussion, Ergon 56, no. 7, Music work number 1771c (3rd version)

  10. "String Trio" for violin, viola and violoncello (2008), Ergon 37 (Performed by Friedemann Treiber, violin, David Sontón-Caflisch, viola, and Moritz Müllenbach, violoncello), More information about the work
  11. "vocis imago" for flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin and violoncello (1993-1995), Ergon 20 (Performed by the "Ensemble Polysono", conducted by René Wohlhauser), More information about the work


Portrait CD "René Wohlhauser - L'amour est une duperie"
Wohlhauser Edition, Vol. 6, CD at NEOS Music GmbH, Munich
More information about the work

A chamber opera or chamber opera oratorio (concertante or staged)
for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano (2014-2015)
Hommage à Jean-Paul Sartre et Simone de Beauvoir
based on forbidden texts by Jean-Paul Sartre (and replaced by the composer's own sound poetry) and texts by Simone de Beauvoir, used with permission.
Performed in a concertante version by the Ensemble Polysono during its 2015 and 2016 European tours, a studio production of this work now appears on this CD.


  1. Prologue « Une Nuit toute passionnée » for soprano and flute (2015), 10:54
  2. 1st Part: « L'amour et la liberté » for soprano, baritone, flute (& bass flute), clarinet (& bass clarinet), violoncello and piano (2014), 9:18
  3. 2nd Part: « Je passe un temps aussi fort que possible » for soprano, baritone, flute (& bass flute), clarinet (& bass clarinet), violoncello and piano (2015), 38:24
  4. 3rd Part: « Je me sens un salaud » for soprano, baritone, flute (& bass flute), clarinet (& bass clarinet), violoncello and piano (2014), 15:16

Total playing time: 73:54


Portrait CD "René Wohlhauser - ReBruAla"
Wohlhauser Edition, Vol. 7, CD at NEOS Music GmbH, Munich


  1. Die große Vokaltrilogie "Drei Gesänge", No. 1: "Verlorene Zukunft", version for soprano and violoncello (2016), on a poem by the composer, 11:08
  2. Die große Vokaltrilogie "Drei Gesänge", No. 2: "Gestörte Lieder", version for baritone, bass flute and bass clarinet (2016), on a poem by the composer, 10:34
  3. Die große Vokaltrilogie "Drei Gesänge", No. 3: "Quala Mirs", version for soprano, baritone, bass flute, bass clarinet and violoncello (2016), on a poem by the composer, 11:08
  4. "Trio No. 1" for flute, clarinet and violoncello (2016), 13:44
  5. "Tramadór Kuriánno" for piano (2017), 3:31
  6. "Marapró" for violin and piano (2017/2018), 7:28
  7. "Quamakútsch" for flute, double bass and piano (2016-2017), 11:59
  8. "Rand" for baritone and piano (2017), on a poem by the composer, 3:40
  9. "ReBruAla" for soprano, baritone, percussed piano and fixed media or live ensemble (six part choir, piano), noise track and field recording (2017), on a poem by the composer, 4:39

Total playing time: 77:57


Portrait CD "René Wohlhauser - Im lauteren Sein"
Wohlhauser Edition, Vol. 8, CD at NEOS Music GmbH, Munich

Works for various ensemble combinations, peformed by the "Ensemble Polysono" (1-4), Markus Stolz (5), Elia Seiffert (6) and the "Duo Simolka-Wohlhauser (7)


  1. «Geworf'ne Akrobaten», Version for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violin and cello (2018), on a poem by the composer 11:42
  2. «Quartet for flute, clarinet, violin and cello No. 1» (2018) 11:26
  3. «Im lauteren Sein», Version for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violin and cello (2018), on a poem by the composer 16:36
  4. «Trio for flute, clarinet and cello No. 2» (2017) 11:35
  5. «Cellissimo graduale» for cello solo (2017) 10:57
  6. «Mikosch … lost in the Ultra Deep Field» for piano solo (2013) 09:59
  7. «Klumpengesang» for soprano, bariton and piano (2018), on a poem by the composer 07:23

Total playing time: 79:43


Portrait CD "René Wohlhauser - Aus der Tiefe der Zeit"
Wohlhauser Edition, Vol. 9, CD at NEOS Music GmbH, Munich

Works for various ensemble combinations, peformed by the "Ensemble Polysono" (1-3, 5-6), Elia Seiffert and René Wohlhauser (4) and the "Duo Simolka-Wohlhauser (7-8)


  1. «Aus der Tiefe der Zeit», Ensemble version for soprano, baritone, flute, clarinet, violin and cello (2019), on a dialogical poem by the composer 13:03
  2. «Duo for clarinet and piano», 2nd version (2014/2018) 11:12
  3. «Miramsobale» for soprano and violin (2019), on a poem by the composer 10:35
  4. «Duo for violin and piano No. 2» (2019) 10:39
  5. «Im Tempo der Wahrnehmung», piano trio No. 1, for violin, cello and piano (2019) 11:32
  6. «Duo for flute and cello No. 1» (2019) 07:56
  7. «Krähenhauber» for soprano, bariton (with additional speaking voice) and percussion (2019), on a poem by the composer 07:14
  8. «Mochlan» for soprano and baritone (2020), on a poem by the composer 07:05

Total playing time: 79:21


*) Ensemble Polysono, members


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